Why the FAQs?

Why the FAQs?

Hi! You've discovered or been redirected to my FAQ page. I'm sorry I haven't personally answered you if you've messaged me! I would love to be able to respond to everyone, but unfortunately I simply can't. I've set up these FAQs so that...

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FAQ - Hoof Care Services

FAQ - Hoof Care Services

Are you taking on new trimming clients? Yes, however my time is quite limited and I am only taking on TRIMMING jobs (no shoes) where I believe we will be a good fit for each other. All of my clients...

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FAQ - Online Store

FAQ - Online Store

What product do you recommend for thrush / seedy toe? For narrow or deep tracts and fissures where it might be hard to get to all the problem tissue I recommend Bug Buster as it is an extremely wicking purple...

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